
No one had it figured out yet and no one ever will. It’s beauty lies on that fact.
No one walked, walks and will walk the same path you treaded on.
Your journey is unique as everybody else. Embrace it. Own it. May we not be so busy living it for someone else and just wake up one day we no longer have time to live it on our own terms.

Things I Wish I Knew Before I Turned 30

Iโ€™ll be tempted to think I know better than others or Iโ€™ve figured out life or at least some of its secrets. But no, life can be a bitch to me and Iโ€™ll start seeing people and life with humility again.ย 

Don’t Give Up On Your Dreams Yet

I vividly remember how she radiated with confidence and happiness when she told me that she finally felt “at home” career-wise. She told me to be patient with myself and to never give up on the dreams I used to have (before I let society or whatnot convinced me to do otherwise) and pursue themโ€ฆ

How Taking Ownership Of My Life Changed Me For The Better

Without real self-love andย self-awarenessย that we can attain by working on our selves,ย weโ€™ll go about life like a car with no brake, reacting and seeing only the harm we can do to ourselves and others โ€” when itโ€™s too late.


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